Addicted To Coffee

I remember my first ever coffee. I was 13 and my parents had gone to church, I decided to stay home and clean the whole house instead of go to church, or as I fondly called it, the place where fun goes to die. The very fact that I willingly stayed home knowing I had to clean the house from top to toe while they were gone says it all. They were nice, those church people, but no kid my age wants to sing music from 1 year ago let alone 100, or sit and listen to someone talk about some jibber jabber I haven't had to worry about yet in my whole 13 years of existence, for an hour of my life I was never going to get back.

I wasn't allowed to have coffee yet so I decided while my parents weren't home I was going to be naughty, boil the kettle and make one for myself to try so I treated the granulated coffee like chocolate powder - two teaspoons right? No, better make that three. My step dad liked one, but I was somehow sure I needed three. My step dad liked one sugar, but I was going to have two. Mine was also going to have a little bit of milk. So I mixed the concoction and began to drink it. Good thing it was very bitter and hot and took a while to drink because about a third of the way in I started to feel shaky and a little bit sick. I tipped the rest of the coffee down the drain and got on with the housework. I didn't see what the big hoo haa about coffee was so I didn't touch it again until I was 22 years old and at 22 I had a 1 year old, and I was working as a cleaner. I NEEDED IT if I was ever going to keep up!

Fast forward to the present and I now have three kids, I work for Zazzle and I have a four cup a day coffee addiction, and if I don't get my coffee, I get tired, and when I get tired, I get my nose out of joint about silly things. And don't even get me started about what a child's voice sounds like to my ears before my morning coffee has been consumed! So in the spirit of coffee addiction, the hot beverage which keeps you focused and dependent, I give you lots of coffee themed funny mugs!

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  1. This is a very fun post - I've only recently taken up drinking coffee myself. It is my substitute breakfast.

    1. Me too, it's easier than making a healthy meal haha!

  2. Those are cute. I maybe average 3 - 6 cups of coffee in a year.

    1. So you're not an abuser of coffee then? You're better off that way!

  3. Great post! While I am not a coffee drinker, I can appreciate a nice jolt of caffeine. Matcha tea is my "go to" presently for that!

    1. It's funny, I used to be a tea drinker, for some reason coffee ended up replacing it. I can't even remember if it was fast like a passionate love affair or so slow I didn't realize it took over lol

  4. Was fun reading this. I can relate to it...substitute coffee with Tea though ☺

  5. Fun post and cool products Aleirah! 4 Cups a day? Lightweight....I do at least 10.

    1. You must use vibration and not walking as your method of getting from A to B Simon!

  6. A fun take on coffee! Always nice to read a little story connected to designs - I only drink decaff but I get my caffeine through 85% dark chocolate instead! ;)

    1. What a wonderful way to get caffeine into your system Judy!

  7. Unusual and interesting take on the coffee mug, lol

    1. Thank You Carolyn! I like the concept of impending bad behaviour in social situations and other peoples possible reactions.


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